CloudSME EU FP7 project published Open Call for new partners
Since summer 2013, CloudBroker GmbH participates in the CloudSME project, financed by the EU FP7 program. Within this project, our CloudBroker Platform has been greatly enhanced (e.g., to also support Windows applications and the CloudSigma cloud), a new AppCenter one-stop-shop has been developed, and four manufacturing and engineering simulation software products are being ported to and run on the cloud utilizing our technology.
This CloudSME project has now launched an Open Call for new partners. Simulation software providers and engineering and manufacturing SMEs can apply for funding to bring their applications to the cloud using CloudSME technology, including CloudBroker Platform and AppCenter.
The deadline for the submission of proposals to the CloudSME Open Call is June 25, 2014. Further information and all necessary documents can be found on the web page of the Open Call.