External Tools
The libraries available on the open source page allow to easily interface to the CloudBroker Platform from external tools. Examples for such software with a generic application focus are given below.
WS-PGRADE/gUSE (grid and cloud User Support Environment) is a well-known science gateway framework based on Liferay, developed by the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (LPDS) at the Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA-SZTAKI).
The CloudBroker Platform has been interfaced from WS-PGRADE/gUSE as a distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) in the DCI-Bridge, and several modules have been developed around this. This work has been done as collaboration between MTA-SZTAKI and CloudBroker mainly as part of the SCI-BUS project. WS-PGRADE/gUSE including the CloudBroker Platform modules can be obtained as open source from SourceForge.
KNIME is a modern data analytics platform, workflow system and visual workbench to perform sophisticated statistics and data mining, developed and distributed by KNIME.com. KNIME offers both open source and commercially licensed versions.
A prototype KNIME workflow node has been developed for an older version of the CloudBroker Platform. Details were presented in a talk at the 4th KNIME Users Group Meeting and Workshop. If you are interested in this or an updated version, please contact us.