CloudSME EU Project
Cloud based Simulation platform for Manufacturing and Engineering
Simulations are of increasing importance not only for big, but also for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing and engineering sector, for example to explore new products, enhance their productivity, etc. However, the necessary investments in hardware, software and maintenance often make it impossible for SMEs to profit from such simulations.
The CloudSME (“Cloud based Simulation platform for Manufacturing and Engineering”) project is thus establishing a cloud-based simulation platform that will enable using state-of-the-art simulation technology as Software as a Service (SaaS) in the cloud. Manufacturing and engineering SMEs will get access to a pay-per-use one-stop-shop for simulation applications that is build on top of several cloud and HPC resources and technology layers. However, all the complexity is hidden from the user, who can then fully focus on the simulation problem at hand. Application areas in CloudSME reach from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) over descrete event simulation (DES) and airline maintenance up to the insole design for shoes and many more.
CloudBroker is one of the core partners in the CloudSME project. Together with ScaleTools, it mainly provides the CloudBroker Platform to port the simulation software to the cloud and run it on several cloud and HPC infrastructures. Also the CloudBroker AppCenter has been developed within the CloudSME project as a web-based one-stop-shop for the simulation applications. Furthermore, CloudBroker supports CloudSME regarding dissemination and the definition of business models in the cloud.
CloudSME is funded by the European Union (EU) within its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under grant agreement number 608886. It is part of the Factories of the Future (FoF) Public Private Partnership (PPP) and the I4MS (Information and Communication Technology Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) initiative of the EU. CloudSME will also have a commercial spin-off. For more details, please consult the CloudSME project website or contact us for any questions.